Join the Local Green Deal initiative with the city of Rožňava!
The City of Roznava has become part of this initiative and is preparing its own Local Green Deals and Green Strategy, which will be published and presented in the second half of 2023.
More informationWe will prepare your project application for you!
The key to obtaining funding in the form of a grant is the quality of the project application. Our team understands that preparing a project is challenging, so we are happy to help you and prepare the project for you. We will help you to select a suitable call for proposals based on your ideas and tailor your project or project application to it. Let's do it together and get grants!
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regional consulting organisation and business incubator
RPIC Rožňava
RPIC RV is a regional consulting organisation (NGO) and business incubator based in Slovakia. Our main objective is to support and promote European Commission initiatives in our region. We are currently implementing Local Green Deals in our region.
The Business Incubator in Rožňava is one of a network of incubators in Slovakia, which have been implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union under the PHARE program.
who we are ?
The Rožňava Regional Advisory and Information Centre (acronym RPIC RV)
As an association of legal entities and at the same time an independent and non-profit organization, it creates conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises as an important factor in regional development. It provides its services and assistance to clients for the purpose of socio-economic development in the Rožňava region, digitalization of society in the region and integration into European economic structures.