Join the Local Green Deal initiative with the city of Rožňava!
A Local Green Deal (LGD) is an agreement between a city and a business, local organizations, and other stakeholders. In which the city motivates the other party to the agreement to contribute to the city’s green strategy.
Example: the city provides funding in the form of a grant and the entrepreneur commits to transform his business into a sustainable one, specifically through the use of digital technologies, over a specific period of time. This will contribute to the city’s green strategy and help the city achieve its strategic green objectives.
Why was this initiative created?
The European Commission, through the EU Green Deal, has set an ambitious goal for Europe to become the world’s first climate neutral continent by 2050. The key to achieving this goal is to ensure that the EU’s 80,000 cities and municipalities develop plans to implement the idea of a Green Deal at local level through Local Green Agreements. To help cities and municipalities, the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is publishing Local Green Deals – A Blueprint for Action.
The City of Roznava has become part of this initiative and is preparing its own Local Green Deals and Green Strategy, which will be published and presented in the second half of 2023.
If you are an SME and are interested in this initiative, let us know and get involved!
RPIC RV team